Giving up something to carry a gun
Published August 29, 2013 by KevinC
Filed under Carry, Mindset, Self Defense
People want to know what changes they will need to make in their lives when they decide to carry a gun for self-protection. The answer I usually give out isn’t about new clothing or different equipment, it’s about a new attitude. Specifically, you can’t get angry when you carry a gun.
Ever. Let me say that again in another way: Carrying a gun means giving up your right to be angry at the actions of others, no matter how unbelievably stupid those actions may have been.
An example.
A friend of mine’s boyfriend got into an argument while driving with the driver of another car. Words were exchanged, and both cars pulled over to the side of the road. My friends boyfriend walked out of his car with his gun in hand, determined the other driver was unarmed, and drove off, believing the incident to be over.
The other driver called the cops, claiming my friend’s boyfriend had pulled a gun on him (which, in reality, is sorta what happened). My friend’s boyfriend had a long legal journey that only recently came to an end and with a satisfactory (but not exculpatory) conclusion.
What if he had just walked away and not stoked the fires of anger? What if he gave up his “right” to express his anger at that @#$! who just cut him off at traffic? Would he have had to worry about that other driver being armed? Would he to face a mountain of legal bills and possible loss of his right of armed self-defence? Is giving up the pretend right of being angry at someone worth the loss of your actual right to arm yourself in defense of your life and your loved ones?
If you answer to that question is “No, I am not willing to give up my right to get angry”, please don’t own a gun. The safety of myself others around you depend on such things.
Wait, did we say the Ultimate Office Concealed Carry Giveaway was ending soon?
Published August 27, 2013 by KevinC
Filed under Carry, CCW, Equipment, Self Defense
We’re not done yet!
Tom McHale from has graciously anted up two more prizes, so now we have a Second Prize and a Third Prize.
2nd Prize and 3rd Prize are a paperback copy of The Rookie’s Guide to Guns and Shooting and a paperback copy of The Insanely Practical Guide to Holsters.
So that’s a chance to win 6 books, 3 holsters and a night out on the town with Kate Upton*, all for just liking Teamgunblogger or MyGunCulture on Facebook and/or following us or him on Twitter.
And because of all this extra added awesomeness, we’re adding on another week to the contest: Now we’re shutting the whole thing down at midnight on September 8th.
This is it, though. No more added prizes. No more dates with supermodels. You’ve got until September 8th, and that’s it, this is over with, so enter now. Kate Upton is waiting for you.
*Note: Kate Upton not included
Why do you need a gun safe?
Published August 27, 2013 by KevinC
Filed under Carry, Equipment, Self Defense
So you’ve gone out and purchased a gun for home self-defense.
Fantastic. Understanding that you’ll be your own first responder and doing something to protect yourself is the most adult decision you’ll make in your life.
Having a gun in your home is great first step, but a gun isn’t a magical self-defense charm. Owning a gun doesn’t protect you: Owning a gun, knowing how to use it and having it available for use if, God forbid, you need to use it protects you and your loved once. If you keep your gun unloaded and in the box it came in, it’s going to be hard to get out and load if it’s needed. This is why quick-access gun safes have become a popular way to keep a gun safe in the home, and it’s something I use myself in my home to keep my self-defense firearm accessible and secure.
There’s a bunch of people who don’t like this option, though, because they worry about how long it’ll take to access their gun in a safe if they need it, and prefer to keep the gun loaded in a nearby dresser or nightstand drawer. I can understand it, but such concerns leave out an important fact: Things get moved around inside your drawer.
It’s 3:30 in the morning. You’ve heard a noise downstairs. You’re afraid. You want your gun. It’s in your nightstand drawer.
Find it.

Ummn, I think it’s in there somewheres. Hold on, Mr. Burglar while I find it.
Compare this to a quick-access safe. The gun and only the gun is in it and I know the gun will be there when I need it. No searching, no fumbling around and hoping I don’t grab the trigger by accident, just beepbeepbeepbeep and I’ve got my gun ready to go.
That’s just one of the reasons why I prefer keeping my gun in a quick-access safe rather than an unlocked drawer. These are two more reasons why I use a safe: My sons. They’re great kids and they’ve been through the Eddie The Eagle gun safety program, I know they know how to be safe around guns because I’ve trained them and watched them do it for myself.
However, the consequences of them forgetting to leave a gun alone just once are just too great for me to not lock up my guns. Yes, I trust my sons. Yes, I know they know how to stay safe around guns. No, I am not relying 100% on those two facts: I keep my guns in a locked container because I know where they are and I know they are safe, and I recommend a quick access safe to everyone who has a gun and has kids or is concerned about the safety of their guns in their home.
Should Your Firearms Trainer Be A Combat Veteran?
It’s not uncommon these days to see firearms trainers talk about their experience overseas as something that makes them a better firearms teacher.
This is probably true if I’m headed overseas to serve in Afghanistan.
But I’m not. I’m headed out to Wal-Mart later today, not Khandahar, so the knowledge of how to lay down covering fire with an M4 or call in an airstrike is of limited use to me. Not knocking those have or who are serving: They’ve done more to defend this country than I have and they will always have my respect. It’s just that the combat skillset needed to win a firefight doesn’t translate automatically into the skillset needed to survive a mugging.
An example: My friend Don is a crackerjack photographer and an excellent photography teacher, but his degree is in music composition. He was trained to be a jazz musician, but he’s one of the best photo teachers in the world and has authored a bunch of books on learning photography because he teaches what he knows and knows what he teaches is of use to the people who take his classes.
The point of instruction is to have your instructor teach you something you can use, not tell you about all the things he knows. You don’t want a firearms teacher who’s seen it all and done it all if he can’t teach you something you need to know. A firearms trainer shouldn’t teach theory or have a bunch of really cool stories to tell, a firearms trainer should teach skills that you can call upon if (God forbid) you need them one day.
Training vs. Competition
Published August 19, 2013 by KevinC
Filed under Carry, Competition, IDPA, Mindset
A quick thought about the ongoing idea that competing in a firearms competition will get you killed in “the real world” because you’ll expect things to happen in a real gunfight like they do on in a match.
I don’t look up at the night sky expecting to see rows of aliens slowing descending towards the ground, I don’t get in my car and hear the theme to Peter Gunn playing in the background and I certainly don’t think that things will happen in the real world like they do in an IDPA match.
If you can’t figure out the difference between a game and the real world, you need a lot of help.
Announcing The Ultimate Office Concealed Carry Giveaway
Published August 15, 2013 by KevinC
Filed under Carry, CCW, Equipment, Self Defense
When I said “Free Stuff”, I wasn’t kidding. Announcing…
Here’s the deal. We have three great holsters for pocket semi-automatics to give away, along with two funny and informative books on concealed carry. From now until midnight Arizona time on Labour Day (or Labor Day to all my non-Canadian friends) each “Like” and “Follow” on either our Twitter feed or Facebook page is one chance to win, and each like or follow on MyGunCulture‘s Twitter feed or Facebook page is another chance to win, so with four clicks of the mouse, you’ll have four chances to win.
And to think people play the lottery instead of following us on Facebook. Our contest doesn’t even require you to spend HOURS scratching off a square on a ticket!
All of this will go to the lucky winner:
A DeSantis Superfly holster for pocket semiautomatics
A DeSantis EZ-Rider II RH Belt/Portfolio holster
A DeSantis Apache RH Ankle Holster
A paperback copy of The Rookie’s Guide to Guns and Shooting, Handgun Edition
A paperback copy of The Insanely Practical Guide To Gun Holsters
That’s a prize packaging worth more than, umn, well, a lot. And all of it could be yours if you jump on board our Twitter feed, Facebook page or MyGunCulture’s Facebook page or Twitter feed.
Look, you’d have to be an idiot or Nancy Pelosi not to do this. Or both. So do it.
Holster Review: Desantis E-Z Rider II
Published August 13, 2013 by KevinC
Filed under Carry, CCW, Equipment, Self Defense
Advantages: Holds the gun and magazine well, fast on the draw, flexible carry options.
Disadvantages: Not a lot,really.
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
One of the carry methods I wanted to test out for my article on concealed carry in the office was off-body carry, specifically a day-planner or portfolio holster, and the DeSantis EZ-Rider II fit the bill nicely.
The EZ-Rider II offers more than just off-body carry, though, as it comes with a detachable paddle attachment that allows it to be carried on the belt as well. The holster easily holds my KelTec P3AT and fits my S&W Shield as well. The included magazine pouch is too big for the skinny and short P3AT magazine, but it easily holds double stack magazines that it was made for.
The holster is made from ballistic nylon, with a leather backer and plastic paddle for belt carry, and was surprisingly fast to use. The zipper was easy to grasp and open (although an additional pull would make that task easier) and I found it was fast and easy to get the gun out and into play from the holster.
How fast? Well, let’s compare the time it took to draw and shoot at a target from the EZ-Rider II to a the time needed for a tuckable inside the waistband holster.
Average Time to Draw and fire one shot
IWB (Tucked): 4.77
EZ-Rider II: 3.43
IWB (Tucked): 3.23
EZ-Rider II: 3.30
And this is what that looks like in action.
I was pleasantly surprised by this holster. If you’re looking for something different in a holster, or if you’re looking at trying off-body carry and want something that’s fast to access and easy to carry, I’d suggest you give the DeSantis EZ-Rider II a try.
Concealed Carry in Business Casual
I have some thoughts about carrying a firearm in an office environment, and what holsters work better when you’re dressed up over at Shooting Illustrated.
I’ll have a review of one of the holsters on Tuesday, then a big announcement on Thursday you don’t want to miss.
What’s coming up on Thursday? Two words: Free stuff.