Competitive Handgun Shooting
Competitive shooting is a great way to improve your skills, build confidence under pressure, as well as measure your skill against others. Competitive shooting challenges your mind, as well as your body, and allows you to practice “real-world” situations in a safe and friendly environment. Plus, it’s a heck of a lot of fun!
Team Gun Blogger - Competition

I get frustrated sometimes with the lousy advice given to beginners in practical shooting who want to learn how to optimize their movement during a stage. We dole out lots and lots of advice over holsters and optimal powder charges for 9mm Major, but very little over “Here’s how you shoot a stage.” So I wrote something to use as a starting point for stage strategy for newcomers to Production Division, over at the Beretta Blog. Read More →

Photo by John C. Lin I met Jessica at her first ever practical pistol match last year, and I very quickly took a liking to her. her progress in the sport has been incredibly impressive and she’s got the moxie, sass and just the right amount of stubbornness that will make her tough to beat as she continues to improve. She’s recently teamed up with Predator Technology group, and she’s ready to shoot her first 3-Gun match tomorrow. She’s a little nervous, so I thought... [Read the rest of this article]

It’s fun. Really, really REALLY fun It helps familiarize yourself with your pistol of choice It improves your accuracy under stressful conditions You meet great people It’s better exercise than sitting on the couch It’s mentally challenging It helps prepare you to react to situations with your gun You’ll quickly learn what works with your gun and what doesn’t You’ll find out what skills you need to train to get better with your gun So why do you shoot action... [Read the rest of this article]
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I put a lot of effort into this post about what makes the best tactical flashlight over at my day job. To the best of my knowledge, there really wasn’t...

I have a few articles over at that could come in really handy for people new to gun ownership and gun culture, especially if you shoot on an...

No, not this blog. This blog launched quite awhile ago. Rather, we’re talking about The School Of Guns, the new blog at Ammoman, written by a Teamgunblogger...

This website, seven years ago: We are committed to getting the millions of new gun owners out to the range and encouraging their safe use of guns in competition,...

I get frustrated sometimes with the lousy advice given to beginners in practical shooting who want to learn how to optimize their movement during a stage....
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I have a few articles over at that could come in really handy for people new to gun ownership and gun culture, especially if you shoot on an indoor range. What...

This website, seven years ago: We are committed to getting the millions of new gun owners out to the range and encouraging their safe use of guns in competition,...

This will be a bit different for me. In the past, I’ve written about how quasi-military training is NOT what we armed citizens really need to learn, primarily...

Throughout the hundreds and hundreds of hours of firearms training classes I’ve had, there’s been exactly ONE class that has attempted to apply the skills of...

We started TeamGunBlogger because we weren’t seeing the gun industry talk to today’s gun owners. There are thousands (if not millions) of gun owners...
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