Some Advice to Jessica Before Her First 3-Gun Match
Published June 12, 2015 by JaciJ
Filed under Competition

Photo by John C. Lin
I met Jessica at her first ever practical pistol match last year, and I very quickly took a liking to her. her progress in the sport has been incredibly impressive and she’s got the moxie, sass and just the right amount of stubbornness that will make her tough to beat as she continues to improve.
She’s recently teamed up with Predator Technology group, and she’s ready to shoot her first 3-Gun match tomorrow. She’s a little nervous, so I thought I’d offer her a little bit of advice and share it here for anyone else that’s getting ready to take the plunge into 3-Gun.
Relax, You Got This!
You will be among friends and other shooters that want to see you do well, and you’ll have more than enough help and advice (probably leaning toward the too much advice side). Heck, you’ll be at the best range in the world to shoot competitively, so you know you’re in good hands. Take a breath and focus on the fun.
Leave your Inner Speed Demon at Home
You’re going to want to go fast, but I’d recommend backing off a bit. Everything is going to feel similar to shooting USPSA, but totally different at the same time. Your gun transitions, mag changes and movements will be a little clunky and much slower than you want them to be, go ahead and let yourself be “slow”. This is the match to learn what it feels like to shoot, dump a gun (engage that safety!) and move on to the next one. Speed will come later.
And Lastly:
Take the advice of another friend and awesome shooter, Annette Evans: